Saturday, March 17, 2012

World's Biggest Sharpie Marker?!

Today was my first experience with oil-based primer and OMG it was intense.  I had read all over the internet how awful the smell was.  I think I was expecting a strong paint smell, but it was like the room was covered in big fat sharpies.  Now, Brent and I have had a lot of discussions about how my sense of smell seems to be incredibly keen, so you can imagine how I was handling the smell of this.  Luckily, since I was expecting the odor, I bought a hard-core respirator at Home Depot which I HIGHLY recommend! I put that puppy on and I could not smell a thing... not one whiff.  It made my voice really muffled, but I'm pretty sure Brent did not mind that. 

 So, back to our progress.  We started today with more sponging.  The walls still had a lot of wallpaper paste on them, so we finished sponging off the glue, then sanded all the walls.  There were a lot of drywall rips, so we had to try to get them as smooth as we could.  The drywall guy came to look at our damage the other day, and he went on and on about how good of a job we did taking down the wallpaper (I'd hate to see a bad job, sheesh!).  He asked us to sand and prime with OBP and he could come back and slap a quick skim coat on and viola-- we'll be done! (and ready to prime and paint...)  I think I am just sick of looking at these walls.  It's hard to concentrate on one project for a couple weeks, but I'm glad we've entered a new phase of the project and we can finally leave the house with the walls looking better than when we got there! We're going to finish the primer tomorrow, then it's onto having the kitchen floor refinished and the drywall repaired. Things are looking up!
Sanding all the drywall patches-- not so fun.

Loved this respirator-- a must for OBP!

Amazing difference! (see previous post for before pics!)

Looking good!


  1. I just found the blog and I am so happy you are doing it. Keep the posts coming! And.... you guys are making amazing progress!
    Love you both! Katie and Jeff

    1. Thanks Katie!! I'll try to post almost everything.. It makes it fun to be able to share! Thanks for looking! Miss y'all!
